Saturday, March 28, 2009

Object of my affection

My friend Will had a Mack Truck that he got for Christmas. I thought it was the coolest toy ever! Every day I asked if I could play with Will and if he would bring his truck. I started to cry when I thought about how long I would have to wait for my birthday to come. In Colorado, I told Grandma Jackie all about the Mack truck and how it launches Lightning McQueen out of the back. I went on and on about it until Grandma offered to get me one! I could not sleep the day it arrived because the mailman comes during my quiet time. When Mom said I could get up, I was delighted to see a package on my front step! These are pictures I took on that first day and since. It continues to be one of my favorite subjects - after all, I play with the truck every day! :)

1 comment:

  1. Caleb - you are very good at taking pictures!! We look forward to seeing more of your work!
