Monday, May 4, 2009

My Snowman

There was a fluke spring snowstorm in Yukon, OK in March and I woke up to 3 inches of snow on a Saturday morning. Dad and I went out early before mom and Nathan woke up and made my very first snowman! We used broken sticks from one neighbors yard, and black pumis rocks from the other neighbors yard. Dad got one carrot from the house (which I ate), so he got another carrot from the house which I used for the nose. I am very proud to show you my little friend. He melted in less than 24 hours but these pics I took will keep forever!

My Carrot Nose

The Solid Base

His Head

My Snowman

Isn't He So Cute?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Family

I love taking pics of my mom, dad and baby brother!


Mommy makes me yummy snacks!

My House

Welcome to my new home! We moved to Yukon, Oklahoma this last summer. Join me on a tour of my new digs.

Old kitchen tile - entryway - living room rug

Kitchen rug - walkway to kitchen - view of living room

Changing table - ceiling fan in my room - living room ceiling fan

Dishwasher - dishwasher up close - sliding glass door

Dryer photos

Throw pillows - couch - sound system and a collection of phone books

New kitchen tile - dining room - me in my house!

Object of my affection

My friend Will had a Mack Truck that he got for Christmas. I thought it was the coolest toy ever! Every day I asked if I could play with Will and if he would bring his truck. I started to cry when I thought about how long I would have to wait for my birthday to come. In Colorado, I told Grandma Jackie all about the Mack truck and how it launches Lightning McQueen out of the back. I went on and on about it until Grandma offered to get me one! I could not sleep the day it arrived because the mailman comes during my quiet time. When Mom said I could get up, I was delighted to see a package on my front step! These are pictures I took on that first day and since. It continues to be one of my favorite subjects - after all, I play with the truck every day! :)